If you have never signed up for a hosting account or you are changing companies and the new one employs an account management interface that you haven’t seen before, you may become puzzled about how to carry out a particular task in your account or on your personal computer. That’s why, some companies have created a knowledge base, which describes the most frequent enquiries and challenges related to the specific platform they use, instead of adding only some general information. This type of knowledge base will permit you to find the required info quickly and effortlessly, so you will not have to devote plenty of time and effort to matters that may require something as elementary as pressing a button or selecting a checkbox. Thus, not only can you get stuff done, but you can also get to know a lot of new and helpful facts, both about the way you can manage your account and about the way the web hosting service functions as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Hosting

Our shared hosting plans feature an elaborate knowledge base where you can find info on all the challenges that you may possibly face and their resolutions. You can acquaint yourself with how to create and administer an electronic mailing list, how to use an .htaccess configuration file, or how to continue in case the settings of your email client are correct, but yet you are unable to send email messages, for instance. We’ve tried our utmost best to be as comprehensive as possible and to cover all the available options so as to save you time and energy and to supply you with different solutions for every single issue. The knowledge base includes educational articles as well – both general ones about the web hosting service as a whole, and more specific ones, which will help you get acquainted with the functions and features of the Hepsia Control Panel. You can find relevant articles about particular functions and features in every Control Panel section, whereas if you would like to see the whole list of articles, you should go to the Help section.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our company’s semi-dedicated servers offer an extensive online article library where you can find any info that you may need about our web hosting services or about the Hepsia Control Panel that we are using. We have compiled it based on the feedback that we’ve assembled from our clients throughout the years and, hence, our articles touch upon specific issues that you may stumble upon and propose the quickest way to recover them, for example receiving an HTTP 500 error message or being unable to send e-mail messages from your desktop computer although you have the right settings. The articles are available in every section of the Control Panel and you can browse them at any moment. They can help you deepen your knowledge not only about our services, but also about the hosting service in general, as they feature exhaustive guidelines and general info such as what cron jobs or file access permissions are.