Webmail RoundCube in Shared Hosting
In case you have a Linux shared hosting service with our company, you will be able to make use of Roundcube, an innovative webmail app. It is easy to access it either through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, used to manage the account, or exclusively by entering a URL in your Internet browser and then entering your e-mail address and the password for it. You will be also able to open the application using your own URL http://webmail.your-domain.com if the email messages are used by a company or an organization, for example. Roundcube comes equipped with all of the attributes that you may need from an email app and you can now effortlessly set up different identities for a selected e-mail, set up and implement an address book, make folders or HTML signatures, choose the time zone according to what your location is at the moment, and even more.
Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With a semi-dedicated server package from our company, it is possible to handle your electronic correspondence through the feature-rich Roundcube webmail app. The program is very user-friendly and features a great deal of capabilities that you can find in a desktop email program like setting up aliases, an address book and / or custom HTML signatures. When you travel, you can adjust the time zone for your mailbox with only a couple of clicks. You are able to log in to a mailbox either by clicking on it within the Emails section of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel or simply by entering the e mail along with its password on the webmail login page. In case you host a corporation or an enterprise website, you can also setup a custom URL with your domain where the workers are able to log in to their web mail. With Roundcube, it is possible to keep an eye on your e mail correspondence from every location and any system.